Concept, choreography, performance | Iris Boer, Sebastian Pickering
Music | Matthew Fortunati, Sebastian Pickering
Production | Lazy Susan & Co.
Costumes | Keren Ben Shachar
Dramaturgy | Tijmen Teunissen
A tree? A scarecrow? A party? One small push and he becomes an animal – few small alterations and the piano player was a Greek statue all a long?
Astonishing Adventures of an Accidental Image is a performance exploring a picture out of context. Taking its starting point in the physical exploration of a single frozen “frame” this playful duet is a continuous transformation of images, an absurd story constantly changing setting, and two characters in limbo between being frozen as a statue and in an exertive search of a connection to another person.
The Astonishing Adventures is the third duet by aNorange Collective based on their movement research on photography and still images. It explores how one image can be perceived in different ways depending on its surroundings and context, and on creating the illusion of a “human statue”, who can only move by external manipulation of the body.